- Bluetooth module (HC-05) is used to control the wireless headset, wireless remote control cars, robotics, wireless mouse and wireless keyboards.
- The range of this module is lesser than 100m.
- It has two serial transmitter and receiver pins.
How to buy Bluetooth module HC05: Click Here
1.EN: Enable pin is used to toggle between the data mode.
2.Vcc: Vcc is an power supply pin i,e 3.3v to 6volts.
3.GND: This is an Ground pin.
4.TXD: Transmits serial data ( transmitted data will be in the serially on Txd pin).
5.RXD: Receives data serially (Received data will be transmitted by the HC-05 module).
6.STATE: This pin is used to HC-05 module is connected or not.
7.LED: Indicator and it is used to identify the module is connect or not.
8.Button: This button is used to reset the module.
- This bluetooth module consists of red LED for the purpose of ON/OFF and connected or not.
- When bluetooth module is not connected then LED blinking fast.
- When bluetooth module is connected the LED is blinking slowly (blinking once per 2 seconds).
- This HC 05 module works with the 3.3v or max 6 volts.
- This module has Tx pin for transmission of serial data.
- And it has Rx pin also it is used to receives the data serially.
- Name:- HC05
- password:- 1234 or 0000
- Data mode baud rate:- 9600
- Command baud rate:- 38400
- Firmware:- LINVOR
- Wireless home automation
- wireless robotics
- automation
- Wireless communication
- wireless keyboard
- Wireless mouse