Why Tik Tok Ban removed in India


tik tok
We know the Tik Tok is banned in India at 03 April, 2019 by madras high court. Because of pornography and misuse of the app. Generally this app is developed for the finding of talented persons in public, but misuse of some people app was banned by madras high court.

Why Tik Tok Ban removed in India

     Depending on article-19 of Indian constitution is freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of practice, freedom of dance and do any occupation and business is not illegal. But  misuse of some people, this platform will be banned.

     24th April,2019 tik tok ban will be lifted. Now tik tok app will be available on google play store and apple app store. Because of this ban 6M videos will be deleted under pornographic content from tik tok app and unwanted and violation comments also deleted and hided automatically like as YouTube. So tik tok is back to google play store and apple app store.

  • Tik Tok Indian users:- 9,00,00,000
  • Tik Tok deleted videos :- 6,00,000 (under violation and pornographic content)
  • Age limit:- below 13 years not allowed
  • Tik Tok available:- Google play store and apple app store


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